Article 19 Youth development programme - Club Licensing

UEFA Club Licensing Regulations for the UEFA Women's Champions League

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Club Licensing
Enforcement Date
1 June 2022

The licence applicant must have a written youth development programme approved by the licensor.


The programme must cover at least the following areas:

  1. Promotion of women’s game

  2. Youth development objectives and philosophy

  3. Youth sector organisation (organisational chart, bodies involved, relation to licence applicant, youth teams, etc.)

  4. Personnel (technical, medical, administrative, etc.) and minimum qualifications required

  5. Infrastructure (training and match facilities, availability, etc.)

  6. Financial resources (budget, contribution from licence applicant, players or local community, etc.)

  7. Football education for various age groups (playing skills, technical, tactical and physical)

  8. Educational initiatives (Laws of the Game; anti-doping; integrity; anti-racism)

  9. Medical support for youth players (including maintaining medical records)

  10. Review and feedback process to evaluate the results and achievements against the objectives

  11. Duration of the programme (at least three years but maximum seven).


The licence applicant must further ensure that:

  1. every youth player involved in its youth development programme can follow mandatory school education in accordance with national law; and

  2. no youth player involved in its youth development programme is prevented from continuing their non-football education.