UEFA is the exclusive, absolute legal and beneficial owner of the commercial rights. Subject to Paragraph 70.02(c), UEFA expressly reserves all commercial rights and is exclusively entitled to exploit, retain and distribute all revenues derived from the exploitation of such commercial rights.
Exploitation of commercial rights in and to the competition:
Media rights
Subject to Paragraph 70.02(c), all media rights in and to the competition, excluding any qualifying phase matches, are exploited by UEFA.
All other commercial rights
UEFA has the exclusive right to exploit all other commercial rights and to appoint partners for the competition. Any such partners appointed by UEFA (and any other third party designated by UEFA) may have the exclusive right to exploit certain commercial rights (including in respect of their products and/or services) in and to the competition and matches. In accordance with Chapter VI of the present regulations and the UEFA Equipment Regulations, advertising on players’ kits is exempt from this exclusivity.
Rights of the clubs participating in the competition
The clubs may exploit certain media rights in accordance with Paragraph 71.01 and the Club Media Rights Guidelines as set out in Annex G. The Club Media Rights Guidelines are contractually binding on the clubs.
In addition and without prejudice to the Club Media Rights Guidelines, the clubs are entitled to (i) use the match coverage of their own matches that UEFA, at its sole discretion, decides to make available or (ii) in exceptional circumstances, produce their own coverage of their own matches (with a maximum of one camera and subject to UEFA’s approval given in advance in writing and under conditions notified by UEFA) for the clubs’ own non-commercial purposes, such as their own internal training purposes. The licence granted by UEFA in respect of all such footage is strictly limited to the above uses. The clubs are responsible for any additional necessary rights or third-party clearances required in relation to any such uses.
Data rights
UEFA may exploit data relating to the competition, including all matches, and authorise third parties to do the same.
The clubs may compile data relating to their matches in the competition, use such data and any other data related to the competition for their own internal training purposes and publish such data on their official club platforms. The clubs may not otherwise exploit any data rights.
There may be no direct and/or indirect third-party association with any such UEFA Champions League and/or play-off data (to preserve exclusivity for the partners). In particular, clubs must therefore ensure that official club platforms do not sell any form of sponsorship that directly and/or indirectly associates a product, service, person or brand with (i) such data or (ii) the competition.
The commercial rights must be exploited in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
All agreements and arrangements entered into by member associations and their affiliated organisations and/or clubs that pertain to the exploitation of media rights must include Article 48 of the UEFA Statutes, the regulations governing its implementation and any other instructions or guidelines issued by UEFA as an integral part of such agreements and arrangements, and member associations and their affiliated organisations and/or clubs must comply with the same. Furthermore, such agreements and arrangements must contain a stipulation guaranteeing that if any amendments are made to these regulations, or any other applicable codes, guidelines or regulations issued by UEFA from time to time, the said agreements and arrangements shall be amended as necessary to conform with the relevant amended regulations, codes or guidelines within 30 days of their coming into force.
All contracts that a club (or any third party acting on behalf of a club) enters into in respect of any commercial rights authorised by these regulations in relation to the competition must expire on 30 June 2027 at the latest or contain a clause allowing the club to terminate any such contract (or be able to release its rights) as of this date.
Further details on commercial matters are given in the UEFA Champions League Club Manual and the UEFA Champions League Brand Manual.