Article 9 Insurance - Futsal Champions League

Regulations of the UEFA Futsal Champions League

Content Type
Competition Regulations
Enforcement Date
1 May 2024

Irrespective of UEFA’s insurance coverage, each club and host must conclude insurance coverage with reputable insurers at their own cost, in relation to any and all risks, according to the following principles:

  1. Each club must conclude and maintain insurance coverage to fully cover all of its risks in connection with its participation in the competition.

  2. In addition, the host must conclude and maintain insurance coverage for the risks in connection with staging and organising matches and which must include third-party liability insurance (for all third parties participating in matches or present at the relevant venue) providing for appropriate guaranteed sums for damages to persons, objects and property, as well as for pure economic losses corresponding to the specific circumstances of the host concerned.

  3. To the same extent as in paragraph b) above, the host of the finals must conclude and maintain insurance coverage to fully cover all of its risks in connection with the staging and organisation of the finals.

  4. If the host is not the owner of the hall used, it is also responsible for providing adequate and fully comprehensive insurance cover, including third-party liability and property damage, taken out by the relevant hall owner and/or tenant.

  5. The host must ensure that UEFA is included in all insurance policies as defined in the present paragraph and must hold UEFA harmless from any and all claims for liability arising in relation to the staging and organising of the relevant matches.


In any case, UEFA may ask anyone involved to provide, free of charge, written releases of liability, hold harmless notes, confirmations and/or copies of the policies concerned in one of UEFA’s official languages.