Club: ____________________________________________________
Member Association: _______________________________________
N.B.: 1) This form is based on Articles 4.01(b), 4.01(d), 4.01(e), 4.01(f), 4.01(g), 4.01(h), 6.01(c), 6.01(l) and 6.01(m) of the Regulations of the UEFA Women’s Champions League 2024/25.
The undersigned, for and on behalf of the above-mentioned club or the corresponding member association, hereby:
agree to be bound by and observe the UEFA Statutes, regulations (including the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations, the UEFA Anti-Doping Regulations, the UEFA Club Licensing Regulations for UEFA Women’s Club Competitions and the Regulations of the UEFA Women's Champions League 2024/25), as well as directives and decisions taken by the competent UEFA bodies regarding the competition;
agree to recognise the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (hereinafter: the CAS) at Avenue Bergières 10, CH-1004 Lausanne, Switzerland, as provided for in the UEFA Statutes;
agree that any proceedings before the CAS related to admission to, participation in or exclusion from the above-mentioned competition will be held in an expedited manner in accordance with the Code of Sports-related Arbitration of the CAS and with the directions issued by the CAS, including for provisional or super-provisional measures, to the explicit exclusion of any state court or other court in accordance with the UEFA Statutes;
confirm that the club’s players and officials agree to respect the obligations stated above under points a) to c);
agree to comply with the rules on multi-ownership of clubs aimed at ensuring the integrity of the competition, as defined in Paragraph 5.01 of the above-mentioned regulations and to disclose any additional information requested by UEFA in this respect at any time whether before, during or after the competition;
confirm that the club has not been directly and/or indirectly involved in any activity aimed at arranging or influencing the outcome of a match at national or international level since 1 May 2014 (i.e. ten years before the entry into force of these regulations).
If the club and the respective member association are unable to confirm the above, the club and the member association shall provide in the enclosed form all useful information currently in their possession which is related to any such activity involving the club (be it in relation to disciplinary or state-court proceedings and irrespective of whether such proceedings remain pending or have resulted in an acquittal or conviction of the club and/or its players and/or its officials);
undertake to update the UEFA administration in writing within 14 working days about any facts and information related to the admission criteria (as defined in the abovementioned provisions of the UEFA Women's Champions League regulations) that have changed since the signature of the present form until the end of the UEFA Women’s Champions League 2024/25 and, more specifically, about:
any disciplinary procedure opened against the club and/or its players and/or its officials by the member association and/or its professional league for allegedly arranging or influencing the outcome of a match at national level;
any football-related procedure opened by a state authority against the club and/or its players and/or its officials based on the criminal code;
acknowledge that, upon its signature, and, if admitted to the competition by UEFA, this document represents binding commitments on the part of the club to UEFA;
acknowledge and agree that any admission of the club to the competition does not imply acceptance by UEFA of the factual accuracy or completeness of the representations made herein by the club and/or the member association, specifically in relation to those matters referred to in points e) and f), and shall not act so as to preclude UEFA from bringing administrative, disciplinary or other proceedings in accordance with the UEFA Statutes and regulations.
Failure to submit to UEFA in time a complete, accurate and duly signed version of this form can lead to administrative measures and/or disciplinary measures in accordance with UEFA Statutes and regulations.
This document and the agreement set out herein is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with UEFA Statutes and regulations and subsidiarily Swiss law. Save in respect of those matters which fall within the competence of the relevant UEFA bodies in accordance with the UEFA Statutes and regulations, any and all disputes in relation to this agreement shall be referred for resolution under the exclusive jurisdiction of CAS, to the exclusion of any state or other court.
Signed and agreed by:
On behalf of the club:
Place/Date:___________________ Signature:___________________
On behalf of the member association:
Place/Date:___________________ Signature:___________________
Enclosure: Form related to point g) above, to be filled in, if applicable, by the club and the member association