G.5.2 Official club platforms - Women's Champions League

Regulations of the UEFA Women's Champions League

Content Type
Competition Regulations
Enforcement Date
1 May 2024

Delayed rights may be exploited by the clubs on official club platforms from the later of midnight CET or local time (unless otherwise identified below) in the territory of exploitation after the conclusion of the relevant match subject to the following conditions:

  1. until midnight CET one day (i.e. 24 hours) after the last match of the relevant matchweek (e.g. Thursday midnight CET for a Tuesday match played in a matchweek during which matches are played on Tuesday and Wednesday; or Monday midnight CET for a UEFA Women's Champions League final played on a Sunday) any clips and programmes may only be made available on a subscription basis (pay and/or pay-per-view), with the exception of (i) a single (i.e. only one at any moment in time) clip of no more than two minutes which may be transmitted on a free basis provided that it promotes the competition’s global broadcast platform in accordance with UEFA guidelines and regulations (e.g. with a link to UEFA’s “where to watch” page) subject to UEFA providing the clubs with the relevant promotional materials and instructions and (ii) unsponsored and/or sponsored (but only by the relevant UEFA sponsor) clips equivalent to the sole and exclusive footage promotions which are made available by UEFA sponsors and UEFA (e.g., the “Goal of the Week”) which may be transmitted on a free basis after midnight CET after the relevant match;

  2. after midnight CET one day (i.e. 24 hours) after the last match of the relevant matchweek (e.g. Thursday midnight CET for a Tuesday match played in a matchweek during which matches are played on Tuesday and Wednesday; or Monday midnight CET for a UEFA Women's Champions League final played on a Sunday), clips and programmes may be made available on a free and/or subscription basis (pay and/or pay-per-view);

  3. clips and programmes may be fully dedicated (i.e. 100%) to the UEFA Women's Champions League; and

  4. clips and programmes may be sponsored by a third party but not in a way that creates a direct or indirect association with the competition. However, clips and programmes containing more than 50% of UEFA content (comprising UEFA Women's Champions League content and any other UEFA-related content, including other UEFA competitions) may only be sponsored by UEFA sponsors. The list of UEFA sponsors and the conditions and procedures applicable to the sponsorship will be communicated by UEFA to the club at the club’s written request.


In general, the embargos and restrictions given above in Annex G.5.2.1 shall apply to all audiovisual and/or visual coverage of the competition, whether taken from the raw feed or created by the clubs directly (including pre- and post-match activities). However, the following exceptions shall apply:

  1. content created by clubs from within the stadium perimeter prior to 5 minutes before kick-off (e.g. from allocated pitch-view studios or pitch presentation positions) may be exploited on a live and/or delayed basis providing the broadcast of the live match is promoted in accordance with UEFA guidelines and regulations (subject to UEFA assisting the relevant club to comply with its promotional obligations):

    1. on official club platforms up until 45 minutes prior to kick-off,

    2. on club digital services up until kick-off and/or from 5 minutes after the end of the match (5 minutes after the trophy lift with regards to the final), subject to a maximum duration of 3 minutes in total per match,

    3. from midnight CET one day (i.e. 24 hours) after the last match of the relevant matchweek (e.g. Thursday midnight CET for a Tuesday match played in a matchweek during which matches are played on Tuesday and Wednesday; or Monday midnight CET for a UEFA Women's Champions League final played on a Sunday), on official club platforms, without any maximum duration; and

  2. content created by clubs from within the stadium perimeter in areas where UEFA media partners have no access (such footage being limited to non-match action) may be exploited on a delayed basis on club digital services from 5 minutes after the end of the match (5 minutes after the trophy lift with regards to the final) subject to clubs having shared such content with UEFA as per Annex G.3.2 for UEFA media partners’ prior exploitation and subject to a maximum duration of 60 seconds in total per match.