Article 100 Compliance audits - Club Licensing

UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Club Licensing
Enforcement Date
1 June 2024

The CFCB and the UEFA administration or its mandated agency, assessor or other body reserve the right to, at any time, conduct compliance audits of the licensor and of the licence applicant/licensee.


Compliance audits aim to ensure that the licensor and the licence applicant/licensee have fulfilled their obligations as defined in these regulations and that the licence was correctly awarded at the time of the licensor’s final decision.


The UEFA administration may mandate and instruct third-party agencies, assessors or other bodies to conduct compliance audits.


For the purpose of compliance audits, in the event of any discrepancy in the interpretation of the national club licensing regulations between a UEFA official language version and the official national language version, the UEFA official language version prevails.


In accordance with the UEFA Statutes as well as the licensor/licence applicant/licensee’s duties under these regulations, and in order for a mandated third-party to undertake activities in respect of the compliance audit, the licensor/licence applicant/licensee is required and agrees to make certain financial and other information available to UEFA and the third-party mandated to carry out the compliance audit.


To guarantee that the information made available to UEFA and the mandated third-party remains confidential, the licensor/licensee/licence applicant, UEFA and the mandated third-party will enter into a confidentiality agreement. Such confidentiality agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with Swiss law to the exclusion of any conflict of law principles and international treaties including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).


Any dispute between UEFA and the licensor/licence applicant/licensee arising out of or otherwise in connection with the confidentiality agreement shall be submitted exclusively to the CAS in Lausanne, Switzerland, in accordance with the relevant provisions laid down in the UEFA Statutes.