The licence applicant must provide the licensor with a document that presents its legal group structure at the annual accounting reference date prior to the deadline for the submission of its licence application to the licensor.
This document must clearly identify and include information on:
the licence applicant and, if different, the registered member;
any subsidiary of the licence applicant and, if different, the registered member;
any associate entity of the licence applicant and, if different, the registered member;
any party that has 10% or greater direct or indirect ownership of the licence applicant, or 10% or greater voting rights;
any direct or indirect controlling entity of the licence applicant;
any other football club, in respect of which any of the parties identified in a) to e), or any of their key management personnel, have any ownership interest or voting rights or membership or any other involvement or influence whatsoever in its management, administration or sporting performance; and
the key management personnel of the licence applicant and, if different, the registered member.
The reporting perimeter as defined in Article 66 must also be clearly identified in the document.
The following information must be provided in relation to each of the parties included in the legal group structure:
Name and, if applicable, legal form;
Main activity; and
Percentage of ownership interest and, if different, percentage of voting rights.
For any subsidiary of the licence applicant and, if different, the registered member, the following information must also be provided:
Share capital;
Total assets;
Total revenues; and
Total equity.
The licensor must be informed of any changes there may have been to the legal group structure during the period between the annual accounting reference date and the submission of this information to the licensor.
If deemed relevant the licensor may request the licence applicant/licensee to provide other information in addition to that listed above.
The licence applicant must confirm that the information about the legal group structure is complete, accurate and in compliance with these regulations. This must be evidenced by way of a brief statement and signature by the executive body/authorised signatories of the licence applicant.