The licence applicant must provide the licensor with a document which contains information on:
the ultimate controlling party of the licence applicant;
the ultimate beneficiary of the licence applicant, i.e. a natural person on whose behalf an entity or arrangement is owned or controlled or a transaction is conducted; and
any party with a significant or decisive influence over the licence applicant.
The following information must be provided in relation to each of the parties identified in Paragraph 64.01 as at the date of submission of this information to the licensor:
Name and, if applicable, legal form;
Main activity;
Percentage of ownership interest and, if different, percentage of voting rights in respect of the licence applicant;
If applicable, key management personnel; and
Any other football club in respect of which the party, or any of its key management personnel, has any ownership interest, voting rights or membership or any other involvement or influence whatsoever.
The licence applicant must confirm whether any change has occurred in relation to the information indicated in the paragraphs 1 and 2 above during the period covered by the annual financial statements up to the submission of the information to the licensor.
If a change has occurred as indicated in paragraph 3 above, it must be described in detail by the licence applicant in the information to the licensor. As a minimum the following information must be provided:
The date on which the change occurred;
A description of the purpose of and reasons for the change;
Implications for the licence applicant’s financial, operating and sporting policies; and
A description of any impact on the licence applicant’s equity or debt situation.
If deemed relevant the licensor may request the licence applicant to provide additional information other than that listed above.
The licence applicant must confirm that the declaration on the ultimate controlling party, ultimate beneficiary and party with a significant or decisive influence is complete, accurate and in compliance with these regulations. This must be evidenced by way of a brief statement and signature by the executive body/authorised signatories of both the licence applicant and the licence applicant’s ultimate controlling party.