Article 73 No overdue payables to social/tax authorities - Club Licensing

UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Club Licensing
Enforcement Date
1 June 2024

The licence applicant must prove that as at the 31 March preceding the licence season, it has no overdue payables (as defined in Annex H) to social/tax authorities as a result of contractual or legal obligations in respect of all employed individuals due to be paid by the 28 February preceding the licence season.


Payables are those amounts due to social/tax authorities as a result of contractual or legal obligations in respect of all employed individuals. Payables include, but are not limited to, personal income tax, pension fund payments, social security and similar payments.


The licence applicant must submit to the licensor a social/tax table as at the 28 February preceding the licence season showing:

  1. total balance payable to the social/tax authorities;

  2. total amount overdue as well as any remaining overdue amount as at 31 March (rolled forward from 28 February);

  3. total amount deferred (as defined in Annex H);

  4. total amount disputed (as defined in Annex H); and

  5. total amount subject to a pending decision by the competent authority (as defined in Annex H).


The following information must be given, as a minimum, in respect of each overdue, deferred, disputed or pending amount as at 28 February, together with explanatory comment:

  1. Name of the creditor;

  2. Amounts overdue, including the due date(s) for each unpaid element and, if applicable, amounts settled between 28 February and 31 March together with the settlement dates as well as any remaining overdue payable as at 31 March (rolled forward from 28 February);

  3. Amounts deferred, including the original and new due date(s) for each deferred element, and the date when a written agreement between the parties was concluded;

  4. Amounts subject to a pending decision by the competent authority and a brief description of the licence applicant’s request; and

  5. Amounts disputed, including the case references and a brief description of the positions of all involved parties.


The licence applicant must reconcile its liabilities as per the social/tax table to its underlying accounting records.


The licence applicant must confirm that the social/tax table is complete, accurate and in compliance with these regulations. This must be evidenced by way of a brief statement and signature by the executive body/authorised signatories of the licence applicant.