The monitoring process starts on submission by the licensor of the list of licensing decisions to UEFA and ends at the end of the licence season.
It consists of the following minimum key steps:
Issuing of the requirements for monitoring documentation to the licensor and licensee;
Return of the required completed monitoring documentation by the licensee to the licensor;
Assessment and confirmation of the completeness of each licensee’s monitoring documentation by the licensor;
Submission of the validated monitoring documentation by the licensor to UEFA;
Assessment of the monitoring documentation by the UEFA administration and the CFCB;
If appropriate, request for additional information by the UEFA administration or the CFCB;
Decision by the CFCB as specified in the relevant provisions of these regulations and the Procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body.
The deadlines for the submission of the validated monitoring documentation to UEFA are communicated to the licensors in a timely manner by UEFA.