Article 81 No overdue payables to football clubs - enhanced - Club Licensing

UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Club Licensing
Enforcement Date
1 June 2024

As at 15 July, 15 October and 15 January in the licence season, the licensee must have no overdue payables (as defined in Paragraph 71.02 and Annex H) to other football clubs as a result of obligations arising from transfers due to be paid by 30 June, 30 September and 31 December respectively.


The licensee must prepare and submit the transfers information by the deadline and in the form communicated by UEFA, even if there have been no transfers during the relevant period. Every licensee must declare its no overdue payables status as at 15 July and as at 15 October. If a licensee has overdue payables as at 15 July or as at 15 October, if it has deferred payables as at 15 October or if otherwise requested by the CFCB, then the licensee must also declare its no overdue payables status as at 15 January. The licensor must confirm the completeness and accuracy of the licensee’s submission according to the licensor’s assessment procedures defined in Annex I.


The licensee must disclose:

  1. all new player registrations (including loans) as a result of transfer agreements concluded in the 12-month period up to 30 June/30 September/31 December, irrespective of whether there is an amount outstanding as at 30 June/30 September/31 December;

  2. all transfers (whether they relate to the release or registrations of players and irrespective of when the transfers were undertaken) for which an amount is outstanding as at 30 June/30 September/31 December; and

  3. all transfers subject to any amounts disputed as at 30 June/30 September/31 December.


The transfers information must contain the following as a minimum (in respect of each player transfer):

  1. Player’s name and date of birth;

  2. Date of the transfer agreement;

  3. Name of the football club that is the creditor;

  4. Transfer (or loan) fee paid or payable (including training compensation and solidarity contributions) even if payment has not been requested by the creditor;

  5. Other direct costs of the player’s registration paid or payable;

  6. Any other compensation paid or payable in the scope of a player transfer agreement;

  7. Amounts settled (as defined in Annex H) before 30 June/30 September/31 December and payment date(s);

  8. Balance payable as at 30 June/30 September/31 December, including the due date(s) for each unpaid element;

  9. Amounts overdue as at 30 June/30 September/31 December, including the due date(s) for each unpaid element, any amounts settled between 30 June/30 September/31 December and 15 July/15 October/15 January respectively and the corresponding settlement dates;

  10. Amounts deferred (as defined in Annex H) as at 30 June/30 September/31 December, including the original and new due date(s) for each deferred element, and the date when a written agreement between the parties was concluded;

  11. Amounts disputed (as defined in Annex H) as at 30 June/30 September/31 December, including the case references and a brief description of the positions of all involved parties; and

  12. Conditional amounts (contingent liabilities) not yet recognised in the balance sheet as at 30 June/30 September/31 December.


The licensee must reconcile its liabilities as per the transfers information to its underlying accounting records.


In addition to the transfers information, the licensee must declare overdue receivables from other football clubs in respect of obligations arising from transfers due to be paid by 30 June, 30 September and, if requested, by 31 December with the breakdown in respect of each transfer.


The licensee must confirm that the transfers information is complete, accurate and in compliance with these regulations. This must be evidenced by way of a brief statement and signature by the executive body/authorised signatories of the licensee.