The licensor must finalise the wording of the national club licensing regulations and send them, in one of UEFA’s official languages, to UEFA for review by the deadline communicated by the latter.
The licensor is responsible for ensuring, and must demonstrate to UEFA, that all applicable provisions of these regulations have been integrated in its national club licensing regulations. Exceptions may be granted according to Article 13 of these regulations.
The licensor is free to increase or introduce additional minimum criteria in its national club licensing regulations for the purpose of entering UEFA club competitions.
Where introduced by the licensor in its national club licensing regulations, any increased or additional minimum criteria apply mutatis mutandis to entry in UEFA club competitions.
The licensor must confirm to UEFA that all provisions contained in the national club licensing regulations are in compliance with the applicable national law.
The national club licensing regulations must be approved by the competent national bodies and communicated to the licence applicants before the start of the licensing process. They cannot be amended during the licensing process, unless duly approved by UEFA.
UEFA reviews the final version of the national club licensing regulations and confirms in writing to the licensor that:
the applicable provisions of these regulations for the purpose of entering UEFA club competitions are integrated in the national club licensing regulations;
the licence issued by the competent national bodies according to the national club licensing regulations is based on the minimum criteria set out in Part II of these regulations.
The licensor is encouraged to apply a club licensing system and club monitoring requirements to govern participation in its domestic competitions. For this purpose, the licensor is free to increase, decrease, or introduce additional minimum criteria in its national club licensing regulations for the purpose of granting permission to enter its domestic competitions.