E.2 Assessment procedures - Club Licensing

UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Sustainability Regulations

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Club Licensing
Enforcement Date
1 June 2024


The auditor must audit the annual financial statements. The auditor’s report must:

  1. include a statement confirming that the audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing or relevant national auditing standards or practices where these comply with, as a minimum, the requirements of the International Standards on Auditing; and

  2. be submitted to the licensor together with the annual financial statements to form a basis for the licensing decision.

In addition, the auditor must provide another statement about whether or not the annual financial statements comply with the accounting requirements set out in Annex G. If not, the statement must include a brief description of the requirements not met. In such a case, the CFCB will review the transactions in detail in line with the Procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body.


The auditor must, as a minimum, review the interim financial statements. The auditor’s report must:

  1. include a statement confirming that the review was conducted in accordance with either the International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2410, ‘Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity’, or relevant national standards or practices for such reviews where these comply with, as a minimum, the requirements of ISRE 2410; and

  2. be submitted to the licensor together with the interim financial statements to form a basis for the licensing decision.

In addition, the auditor must provide another statement about whether or not the interim financial statements comply with the accounting requirements set out in Annex G. If not, the statement must include a brief description of the requirements not met. In such a case, the CFCB will review the transactions in detail in line with the Procedural rules governing the UEFA Club Financial Control Body.


The auditor must assess supplementary information and/or restated financial statements, if any. The auditor’s report of factual findings must:

  1. describe the procedures prescribed by the licensor and the findings in respect of each;

  2. include a statement confirming that the assessment was conducted by way of agreed-upon procedures according to ISRS 4400 or relevant national standards or practices where these comply with, as a minimum, the requirements of ISRS 4400; and

  3. be submitted to the licensor together with the supplementary information to form a basis for the licensing decision.


Financial information other than that defined in Annex E.2.1 to Annex E.2.3 above may be assessed by an auditor. In this case, the auditor’s report must:

  1. include a statement confirming that the assessment was conducted either:

    1. by way of agreed-upon procedures according to ISRS 4400 or relevant national standards or practices where these comply with, as a minimum, the requirements of ISRS 4400; or

    2. for the assessment of future financial information (if applicable), according to the International Standards for Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3400 or relevant national standards or practices where these comply with, as a minimum, the requirements of ISAE 3400; and

  2. be submitted to the licensor together with the relevant documentation to form a basis for the licensing decision.