The minimum disclosure requirements for balance sheet items are stated below.
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable from player transfers (current and non-current)
Accounts receivable from group entities and other related parties (current and non-current)
Other current accounts receivable
Tax assets (current and non-current)
Other assets (current and non-current)
Tangible assets
Intangible assets – player registrations
Intangible assets – other
Bank overdrafts
Bank and other loans (current and non-current)
Accounts payable to group entities and other related parties (current and non-current)
Accounts payable relating to player transfers (current and non-current)
Accounts payable to employees (current and non-current)
Accounts payable to social/tax authorities (current and non-current)
Accruals and deferred income (current and non-current)
Other tax liabilities (current and non-current)
Other current accounts payable
Provisions (short-term and long-term)
Other liabilities (current and non-current)
Net assets/liabilities
Net assets/liabilities
Share/fund capital
Revaluation reserve
Other reserves
Retained earnings
Management may consider that line items (i) to (xxvii) are best presented on the face of the balance sheet or in the notes.