The minimum disclosure requirements for the profit and loss account are stated below.
Gate receipts
Sponsorship and advertising
Broadcasting rights
Commercial activities
UEFA solidarity and prize money
Grants/subsidies from national football body or government
Other operating income
Total revenue (sum of items i to vii)
Costs of sales/materials
Employee benefit expenses (players and other employees)
Depreciation and impairment of tangible assets
Amortisation and impairment of other intangible assets (excluding player registrations)
Other operating expenses
Total operating expenses (sum of items ix to xiii)
Player registrations
Amortisation of player registrations and impairment of player registrations
Profit/loss on disposal of player registrations
Other transfer income/expenses
Total net result of accounting for player registrations (sum of items xv to xvii)
Non-operating items
Profit/loss on disposal of tangible or intangible assets
Finance income and expense
Other non-operating income/expense
Tax income/expense
Net result (sum of items viii, xiv, xviii and xix to xxii)
Management may consider that line items (i) to (xxiii) are best presented on the face of the profit and loss account or in the notes.