Season tickets and similar revenues
Revenue in respect of season ticket sales or similar match-related sales must be recognised on a proportionate basis at the point in time when the relevant matches take place during the period.
Broadcasting rights and/or prize money revenues
Revenue in respect of broadcasting rights and/or other consideration for participation in a competition which are fixed considerations must be recognised on a proportionate basis at the point in time when the relevant matches take place during the period.
Revenue in respect of broadcasting rights and/or consideration for participation in a competition which are variable considerations that depend on certain conditions being satisfied by the club (such as competition performance bonuses) must be recognised at the point in time when the performance obligations are satisfied.
Sponsorship and advertising revenues
Revenue in respect of sponsorship rights and advertising which are fixed considerations must be recognised on a proportionate basis over the period covered by the sponsorship rights and/or advertising arrangements.
Revenue in respect of sponsorship rights and advertising which are variable considerations that depend on certain conditions being satisfied by the club (such as competition performance bonuses) must be recognised at the point in time when the performance obligations are satisfied.
Any non-cash consideration as part of a sponsorship and/or advertising arrangement must be measured at fair value.
Donations and grants/subsidies
A donation is an unconditional gift of consideration that must be recognised as other operating income when received.
Grants/subsidies must not be recognised in the accounts of the club until there is reasonable assurance that the club will comply with the conditions to receive the grant/subsidy and the grant/subsidy will be received. Then, a grant/subsidy must be recognised in profit and loss on a systematic basis over the reporting periods in which the club recognises as expenses the related costs for which the grants/subsidies were intended to compensate. Therefore, grants/subsidies in respect of specific expenses are recognised in profit and loss in the same reporting period(s) as the relevant expenses. Similarly, grants/subsidies related to depreciable assets are recognised in profit and loss over the reporting periods and in the proportions in which depreciation expenses on those assets are recognised. A grant/subsidy that becomes receivable as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or for the purpose of giving immediate financial support with no future related costs must be recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it becomes receivable.