In respect of the “no overdue payables” criteria to football clubs, employees, and social/tax authorities, the licensor may decide:
to assess itself the information submitted by the licence applicant, in which case it must perform the assessment as set out in Annex I.4.2; or
to have independent auditors carry out the assessment procedures in accordance with ISRS 4400, in which case the licensor must assess the information submitted by the licence applicant (in particular the payables tables and corresponding supporting documents) and review the auditor’s report. The licensor may carry out any additional assessment it believes necessary, including by extending the sample or requesting additional documentary evidence from the licence applicant.
Notwithstanding whether the assessment is carried out by the licensor or an independent auditor in respect of the “no overdue payables” criteria to football clubs, employees and social/tax authorities, the following minimum procedures must be performed and described in the licensor’s or auditor’s report:
Obtain the payables tables as at 31 March submitted by the licence applicant in respect of obligations due to be paid by 28 February (i.e. the transfers table, the employee table, the social/tax table and corresponding supporting documents);
Perform the necessary steps (including determination of the sample size) to assess the completeness and accuracy of the reported balances and issue a conclusion with regard to each of the procedures performed;
Check the completeness of any overdue balance reported by the licence applicant as at 28 February;
Check the settlement of any overdue payables between 28 February and 31 March; and
Identify any overdue balance as at 31 March.
In respect of the “no overdue payables” criterion in respect of UEFA and the licensor, the licensor must perform, as a minimum, the following assessment procedures:
Review any information received from UEFA with regard to pending overdue amounts owed by the licensor’s affiliated clubs and check the settlement of any overdue balance between 28 February and 31 March; and
Carry out any additional assessment and request any additional documentary evidence from the licence applicant it believes necessary.