This legal information from host country authorities is provided for information purposes only. It is general in nature, cannot be considered exhaustive and does not constitute a legal opinion or legal advice and should not be construed as such.
If any or all of the information appears in the form of recommendations, these should be deemed general comments not applicable to any specific entity or person. You should always review the specific application of any and all sections of this document with a legal advisor or address your questions to the relevant authorities directly (in particular the competent embassies or consulates or, where applicable, the contacts provided in this document) to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The information contained in this document is provided on an “as is” basis without representation or warranty of any kind as to its accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, suitability, reliability or applicability. UEFA does not warrant the results obtained from the use of this document and the relevant authorities may always, in individual cases, ask for additional information or documents to be provided or refuse any and all applications despite the submission of all required documents.
UEFA may periodically update and adapt the content of this document without notice (e.g. upon receiving additional guarantees from specific authorities) and does not represent or warrant that the content is or will always be available, up-to- date, complete, or accurate. Any representation or warranty that might be otherwise implied is expressly disclaimed.
By using this document, you agree that UEFA will not be liable to you or any third parties, in any way for damages of any kind (including any direct or indirect loss, liability, cost, claim, expense or other damages and including cases of negligence), under any theory of law, arising from your or a third party’s use of this document, or your or a third party’s use of or reliance on its content. In particular and to the fullest extent permitted by law, UEFA and/or its affiliates (including any of their directors, employees, contractors, service providers or agents) assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions.
This document provides links to websites of other parties for convenience. The inclusion of such links does not imply any association or relationship between UEFA and the respective websites and does not constitute or imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the websites by UEFA. UEFA does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or reliability of material presented directly or indirectly by such websites.