Leipzig - EURO

UEFA European Championship Final Tournament 2024, Legal Information

Content Type
UEFA Guidelines

There are no load restrictions or special driving bans for heavy goods vehicles on the main road network, except for the Klingerbrücke, an extension of Käthe-Kollwitz-Straße, south of the stadium (driving ban for heavy goods vehicles with more than 3.5 tons.

Further restrictions away from the main road network concern the following roads/bridges:

  • Leibnizbrücke (Load restriction to 9 tons)

  • Färberstraße between Netto and the exit to Ranstädter Steinweg (driving ban for heavy goods vehicles)

  • Rosentalgasse south of Gustav-Adolf-Straße (One-way street in the direction of Ranstäd Steinweg load restricted to 16 tons)

Link showing general information on construction sites and traffic restrictions (https://www.leipzig.de/umwelt-und-verkehr/unterwegs-in-leipzig/baustellenuebersicht)

Link for the application for an exemption (https://www.leipzig.de/buergerservice-und-verwaltung/aemter-undbehoerdengaenge/behoerden-und-dienstleistungen/dienstleistung/erteilung-vonausnahmegenehmigungen-nach-strassenverkehrs-ordnung)

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