Environmental guidance - Stadiums & Arenas

UEFA Stadium Lighting Guide 2023

Content Type
UEFA Guidelines
Stadium & Arena
Stadium Lighting
Enforcement Date

There are a number of bodies that provide certification for buildings that are designed and constructed in line with strict sustainability guidelines. The most prominent of these bodies are BREEAM in Europe and LEED in the USA. Both provide an extensive list of parameters and checklists which need to be followed and implemented, after which the body in question assesses the level of compliance and issues the appropriate certification for the building. Both UEFA and FIFA recommend that all modern stadiums adhere to the standards stipulated by either of these two certification bodies. However, it is ultimately up to the stadium developers themselves to (i) be fully aware and supportive of the need for an environmentally responsible approach; (ii) proactively include sustainability initiatives in the project brief; and (iii) direct the design consultants accordingly.