Article 42 Clothing and accessories - Equipment

UEFA Equipment Regulations

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Enforcement Date
1 June 2024


The following provisions apply to special equipment worn on the field of play, subject to the applicable Laws of the Game and the relevant competition regulations:

  1. Undershirts (separate from or permanently attached to playing shirt)

    1. Team identifications may be used in accordance with Chapter III, which applies by analogy.

    2. Up to two manufacturer identifications not exceeding 20cm² each are allowed once on the front and once on the back, but not within the collar zone.

    3. Quality seals and/or technology labels may be used in accordance with Chapter V, which applies by analogy.

    4. Long-sleeved undershirts must be the same colour as the main colour of the shirt sleeve. In the case of shirts with striped sleeves or shirts with different coloured sleeves, either colour may be used for undershirts but the same colour must be used by all players on the team using such items.

  2. Undershorts/trousers

    1. Team identifications may be used in accordance with Chapter III, which applies by analogy.

    2. One manufacturer identification not exceeding 20cm² is allowed anywhere on the right or left leg.

    3. Quality seals and/or technology labels may be used in accordance with Chapter V, which applies by analogy.

    4. Undershorts/trousers must be the same colour as the main colour of the players’ shorts or the lowest part of the shorts, and the same colour must be used by all players on the team using such items.

  3. Undersocks and ankle-guards

    1. Team and/or manufacturer identifications are allowed, but the total number and size of visible identifications, including those visible on the playing socks, must not exceed those normally permitted on playing socks, as stipulated in Chapter III and Chapter IV.

    2. Visible undersocks or ankle-guards must be the same colour as the corresponding part of the playing sock.

  4. Tape and strapping

    1. Tape, strapping and/or any other material used over playing socks to hold socks in place must be transparent, or of the same colour as the part of the sock to which it is applied, and must be free of team and manufacturer identification and decorative elements.

    2. The same applies by analogy to tape or strapping applied over any other item of playing attire.

  5. Outfield player gloves and wristbands

    1. One team identification is allowed on each glove and wristband.

    2. One manufacturer identification is allowed on each glove and wristband.

    3. There are no restrictions as to position but each identification must not exceed 20cm².

  6. Goalkeeper gloves

    1. One team identification not exceeding 20cm² is allowed in any position on each goalkeeper glove.

    2. One manufacturer identification not exceeding 20cm² is allowed in any position on each goalkeeper glove.

    3. A quality seal, technology label or second manufacturer identification is allowed in any position on each goalkeeper glove. Whichever is used, it must not exceed 10cm².

    4. One further quality seal, technology label or manufacturer identification is also permitted in any position on each goalkeeper glove. Whichever is used, it must not exceed 5cm².

    5. The name of the goalkeeper may be written in upper and/or lower case on either/both glove(s), in lettering no more than 2cm high.

    6. No metal or hard plastic materials must be used for goalkeeper gloves fastening (e.g. zip). Any such fastening may only be made with soft materials for the zip tag, and the toggle or device used to pull the zip closed must be covered under a velcro or similar securely fastened cuff.

  7. Headgear (sweatbands, headbands, thermal hats and goalkeeper caps)

    1. Team identifications are allowed anywhere on headgear but the total size must not exceed 50cm².

    2. One manufacturer identification not exceeding 20cm² is allowed anywhere on headgear.

  8. Captain’s armbands

    1. A captain’s armband must be worn by the captain identified as such on the match sheet.

    2. The armband may contain one team identification not exceeding 50cm².

    3. The armband must be free of any decorative elements, except for the word "captain" or an abbreviation thereof.

    4. No manufacturer identification is allowed.

    5. UEFA may provide captain’s armbands for certain competition matches in support of UEFA campaigns.

  9. Medical equipment (e.g. head protection, face-masks, casts, kneepads or knee braces, elbow pads)

    1. Medical equipment worn on the field of play must be a single colour and free of team and manufacturer identification.

    2. Items worn on legs and arms should be the same colour as the corresponding playing attire item (e.g. elbow pads or tape used on the arm the same colour as shirt sleeves and kneepads the same colour as shorts).


Sponsor advertising is prohibited on all items of special equipment worn on the field of play.