Players may be identified on their shirts by means of their surname and/or first name, or a UEFA-approved nickname.
The name by which a player is identified on their shirt must correspond with the name entered on the player list.
When player names are displayed on shirts, they must be placed on the back of the shirt, above the number.
Names must be written in a single colour, using the Latin alphabet (upper and/or lower case).
Names must be free of manufacturer identification, sponsor advertising and decorative elements.
Each letter must be no more than 7.5cm high.
For the sake of legibility, letters may be surrounded by a shadow outline, 3D effect or contrasting key line of a decorative colour. Key lines may be around the outside of the letter or just inside. Shadow outlines, 3D effects or contrasting key lines are however not taken into account when measuring letter height.
The letters must clearly contrast with the background colour(s) of the shirt.