A.1 General - Bidding

Bid Regulations UEFA Finals and Final Phases

Content Type
Technical Regulations
Specific Regulations
Enforcement Date
16 December 2021

The voting procedure is governed by the following provisions and, where necessary, the relevant provisions of the UEFA Statutes apply.


Only bidders that the UEFA administration judges to have fulfilled the bid requirements are admitted in the voting procedure.


Voting is conducted by secret ballot, provided that there is more than one bidder admitted in the voting procedure. If the number of bidders admitted in the voting procedure is less than or the same as editions initiated, the UEFA Executive Committee may decide to proceed otherwise.


Votes by proxy are not permitted.


The UEFA President or a member of the UEFA Executive Committee shall not take part in any part of the deliberations or the voting procedure if they are associated with a bidder or in the case where a conflict of interest exists.


The UEFA President or, in his absence, the first UEFA Vice-President chairs the meeting of the UEFA Executive Committee at which the voting takes place. If the first Vice-President is not present either, another UEFA Vice-President designated for that purpose by the Executive Committee shall chair the meeting.


There is no obligation for a member of the UEFA Executive Committee to use the vote allocated to him in any ballot (i.e. abstentions are permitted), save that the chair of the meeting cannot abstain when exercising his casting vote pursuant to this Annex A (in such circumstances, the chair of the meeting may decide to exercise his casting vote by way of a drawing of lots).


Abstained votes and spoiled ballots are not counted.